Tanuja raised her daughters, Kajol and Tanishaa Mukerji, on her own after separating from Shomu Mukherjee. Managing both work and family, she had limited time with them. Tanishaa recently shared that she missed her mother during childhood and, given a choice, would have preferred for her not to work.
Kajol and Tanishaa were primarily raised by their grandmother, Shobhna Samarth, as their mother, Tanuja, had to work due to financial difficulties after separating from Shomu Mukherjee. In a recent interview, Tanishaa expressed how she missed her mother’s presence during childhood and felt that women should take a break from work for a few years after having a child. She recalled her mother working multiple shifts daily, leaving little time for family, which made her long for more maternal care.
A YouTube user commented that while Tanishaa’s views weren’t entirely wrong, she oversimplified the situation, noting that she grew up around strong, independent women. Others praised her as a strong woman, with some appreciating how well she expressed her thoughts and found her perspective reasonable.
Tanishaa expressed that she believes only a mother can truly provide what a child needs. She feels women should stay home with their children, especially in the early years, rather than balancing work. She also admitted to being very attached to her mother due to feeling left out during childhood.
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