Jheel Mehta, fondly remembered as Sonu from Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, has entered a new phase of her life. The actress recently tied the knot with her longtime boyfriend, Aditya Dube, in a grand wedding straight out of a fairytale. While fans adored glimpses of her big day, Jheel has now treated them to a special multi-photo update, capturing cherished moments from her pre-wedding celebrations.
From their vibrant Garba night to the traditional Lagan Lekhan ceremony, Jheel shared snippets of the joyous events leading up to her wedding. In the post shared on January 6, Jheel and Aditya are seen posing together in the opening photo, radiating happiness. Jheel, dressed in a colorful lehenga, looked stunning, her smile lighting up the frame. Another captivating photo featured the couple holding hands with a backdrop showcasing their initials, “AJ.”
The third slide highlighted an emotional moment as Jheel took part in a pre-wedding ritual, receiving a red saree from her family. The post also included a delightful family photo and glimpses of fun-filled games and activities from the celebrations.
In the caption, Jheel wrote, “Snippets from our Lagan Lekhan, Mamera, Aavta Jata, and an unforgettable night of Garba and dancing.”
Fans flooded the post with love and admiration. One commented, “Growing up so fast that she is now married,” while another wrote, “You both are so cute; may God always keep you two happy.” A fan fondly added, “Congratulations to my favorite Twitch streamer and TMKOC’s Sonu!” Jheel’s post beautifully encapsulates the joy and love that surrounded her special day, leaving fans reminiscing and celebrating her new journey.
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