Upendra Rao’s latest film, ‘UI’, is currently running in theatres on December 20, 2024, and has received good reviews from audiences. Recently Kannada superstar Kichcha Sudeep took to social media to share his thoughts on it. He praised Upendra for his unique vision and storytelling abilities, expressing his happiness about the film’s reception and commending the team for their support of “Uppi Sir.”
On X (formerly Twitter) he wrote, “Jus watched #UiTheMovie . A script only @nimmaupendra sir can visualise n narrate. It’s amazing how his thought process operates. Happy about the response it’s getting and even more happier for the team to have stood wth Uppi Sir. Congrats and best wshs to the entire team. L&H’s. K.”
He attended a celebrity screening of ‘UI’ alongside actor Yash and his wife Radhika Pandit on December 23.
‘UI’ is set in a dystopian world where artificial intelligence and climate change have wreaked havoc, leaving people in poverty and clinging to outdated beliefs. The story revolves around a psychological battle between a king and a man who ultimately outsmarts him, taking control as a dictator.
The film stars Upendra alongside Nidhi Subbaiah and Murali Sharma in prominent roles.
Despite facing competition from other releases like ‘Viduthalai Part 2’, ‘UI’ has managed to capture the audience’s attention with its powerful message and engaging visuals.