The latest episode of Kaun Banega Crorepati 16 witnessed an inspiring triumph of contestant Rituraj Mansarea. After the contestant took home Rs 25 Lakhs. Amitabh Bachchan hosted the second fastest finger first round. Jaspal Singh yet again came for the Jaldi 5 round with Uttam Kumar Jha and won it this time. The contestant then moved forward to the hotseat. While sharing about his personal life, Jaspal said, “My father has been struggling for the past 35-40 years. He works as a halwai and despite harsh weather, he has struggled hard and worked. He suffered many burns and cuts because of that. I want to earn enough to give a better lifestyle to my father.”
Jaspal is a lab assistant, he works at the government school’s science lab as he explains his job, Big B recalls his school days. He shared, “In our days, we didn’t have any lab assistants. We had to clear up and learn on our own. These chemicals used to be dangerous and we had no clue about it. A lot of students were experimental. They would keep doing some random experiments and we have escaped many blasts due to the experiments.”
Amitabh Bachchan then enquires whether Jaspal’s father owns a sweets shop or works at one. Jaspal revealed, “No sir, he makes sweets at the weddings. Earlier, for some 20-25 years the work was good and my father could earn good money but now, especially after COVID, people don’t hire halwais for sweets. And at weddings, now the catering companies take over so he has been struggling to make ends meet.”
After completing the first padav, Jaspal continues to play using two lifelines. Big B then asks the 10th question worth Rs 3,20,000: Which of the following countries doesn’t have a coastline along the Arabian Sea?
A) Israel B) Iran C) Pakistan D) Oman
Jaspal takes his second lifeline Double Dip and chooses option A Israel. Big B tells him that he knew the right answer, he could have won it without the lifeline. Jaspal then asks the host to let him celebrate this moment with his father by giving him sweets. Big B requests Jaspal’s father to come to the stage and offers him sweets.