Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan were on their year-end holiday to Gstaad, Switzerland. They also rang in the New Year there and seems like they had the best time. Kareena’s Instagram updates seem proof of that. Bebo has been treating her fans with pictures from their vacay and they have won the internet for being so real, glam and all things fun at the same time. She had shared some pictures from the New Year’s eve with Saif, where the couple served ‘royalty’ and revealed that it’s their mood for 2025 as they end their vacay and return to Mumbai.
The couple was spotted at the Mumbai airport with their kids Jeh and Taimur on Tuesday afternoon. They made such a stylish family as Kareena was spotted in a denim jacket with black pants and a t-shirt. Saif was also seen in blue denims and a t-shirt. But what stole the show was the fact that both Taimur and Jeh were carrying their own bags. While Taimur is still older and could do it, the internet was shocked with the little Jeh carrying his own bag, with no complain whatsoever. He was in his fun mood, as always.
Jeh and Taimur were seen walking holding their father’s hand and carrying their own bags. This is proof of the fact that both Kareena and Saif want to give a normal upbringing to their children and teach them to do their own things. A user commented, “Why is jeh carrying so much load😮”
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Another user said, “Jeh always in funny mood 😉✌️😍” Clearly, Jeh has a huge fan following on the internet and he’s always stealing the show. The internet was also impressed with Taimur as Kareena shared photos of him carrying her heels. She wrote, “MAA ki seva iss saal and forever. Happy new year friends”
Netizens were impressed and said that Kareena is raising a gentleman. A user said, “He is turning into a true blue Pataudi Gentleman 😍”
On work front, Kareena was seen in ‘The Buckingam Murder’ and ‘Singham Again’ in 2024. Saif was seen in Jr NTR’s ‘Devara: Part 1’.
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