Sanya Malhotra recently set the stage on fire with her electrifying dance moves in Sunidhi Chauhan’s music video Aankh. Now, she’s back in the spotlight, but this time it’s her adorable photos with sitarist Rishab Rikhiram Sharma that have got fans buzzing. Are they the new lovebirds in town? The speculation is real!
A Reddit user shared some pictures of Sanya and Rishab hanging out together. In one photo, Rishab was seen taking a picture with a fan, with Sanya beside him. Fans also noticed they were at the same event, posing with the same person in different pictures, sparking rumors they might be dating.
While one user wrote, ‘What a good-looking pair!’, another one added, ‘If they are dating, good on them. Both are very talented’. A user also commented, ‘He usually comments on her posts, and she also likes his. I always got that kind of vibe from them. Hope they are, they look good together.’
Rishab Rikhiram Sharma is a sitar player and music composer from the renowned Rikhi Ram family, known for crafting instruments for famous sitar players. As the last disciple of the legendary Pandit Ravi Shankar, he also promotes mental health awareness, offering free music therapy through his initiative, Sitar For Mental Health.
Meanwhile, Sanya is eagerly awaiting the release of her upcoming film ‘Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari’. Directed by Shashank Khaitan and produced by Karan Johar, the movie also stars Varun Dhawan, Janhvi Kapoor, and Rohit Saraf. It is set to hit theaters on April 18, 2025.
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