Srikant Dwivedi, who is currently seen in TV show Shiv Shakti Tap Tyag Tandav, shares how he is very happy essaying the role of Lord Vishnu in the show. He said, “Currently, I am playing the role of Narayan, and it has been two years since I started portraying Narayan, also known as Vishnu. This is one of the most important characters I have essayed and the biggest appreciation comes when someone tells me how while worshipping Lord Narayan or Vishnu, they can see my face. It truly feels like my hard work is paying off.” He added, “There are many lessons one can learn while playing a character in historical shows, and there is so much to learn from Lord Narayan. I have realized how important it is to adapt to situations and maintain a sense of calm. This is one of the characters that will stay with me forever.”
Bhagya Lakshmi actor Srikant, talks about how it was his dream to first bag a film. He said, “We are all impressed by the glamour and the fame that comes with being successful in films. In reality, actors struggle to bag that one good film in Bollywood.”
Srikant shared further, “I am glad that in the past few years, OTT has opened many doors for actors to enter Bollywood. Earlier it was more about knowing the right people and having a Godfather in films, but now makers get to see our work on different platforms and that’s how many actors from non-filmy backgrounds get an opportunity to be part of films.” He added, “The industry is evolving, and people are giving opportunities to talented actors.”
Srikant added, “I feel there is nothing wrong in actors’ children getting an opportunity in films. If an actor has worked hard in his career and if he wants his son or daughter to try films, he will make things easier for him or her. This is common across all fields and not just films. However, it is important that every deserving actor is given the chance, and not just those who come from film families. If someone lacks talent then it does get difficult in the long run. It is important to focus on your work and goals.”
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