Ram Charan, the global megastar, is generating major buzz for his upcoming political drama, ‘Game Changer’, directed by Shankar Shanmugam. Recently, the actor along with co-star SJ Suryah, wowed fans at a promotional event in Dallas, showcasing their electric dance moves to the track “Ra Macha Macha” from the film. The energetic performance, which also featured music composer Thaman, had the crowd on their feet, further building excitement for the highly anticipated release.
‘Game Changer’, which will see Ram Charan in a dual role, is one of the most awaited films of 2025. The movie stars Kiara Advani and Anjali in lead roles, with a talented supporting cast including Srikanth, Samuthirakani, and Naveen Chandra. The film, being promoted as a pan-Indian project, promises an engaging storyline, and fans are eagerly awaiting the release of the trailer, which is set to drop soon.
The film’s release date has been confirmed for January 10, 2025, and it is expected to be a major box-office contender. Fans of Ram Charan and the film’s star-studded cast are excited for what ‘Game Changer’ has in store.
Meanwhile, there are also doubts about whether the film will impress the audiences as the director Shankar has been on a downfall with his recent films. Shankar’s previous outing ‘Indian 2’ turned out to be a huge disappointment. ETimes review for the film reads, “The problem with Indian 2 is that it is filled with writing that lacks nuance and characters who are caricatures. Even in terms of scenes, all the visual excesses that Shankar throws at them – grand sets, visual effects, and frames filled with people – hardly touch us as there’s no emotional connect. In the original, everything was tied to Senapathi’s personal struggles. Here, his crusade feels empty, and more importantly, the character’s dignity goes for a toss. We begin to question why he decides to fight now after remaining silent over the corruption that has spread and metamorphosised into something monstrous during all these years.”
On the other hand, Shankar recently said in an interview that he is planning ‘Indian 3’ for a grand theatrical release.