Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently met singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh in New Delhi, praising him as a “combination of talent and tradition.” During their interaction, Diljit performed a song dedicated to Guru Nanak while PM Modi joined in by playing beats on a table. The Prime Minister shared highlights of their “very memorable interaction” on social media, showcasing their unexpected collaboration. Diljit lauded PM Modi’s heartfelt speech about his late mother and the river Ganga, a moment that moved many. In turn, PM Modi commended Diljit, saying he had “won hearts worldwide,” truly living up to his name. Their discussion touched on India’s cultural vibrancy, the magic of music, and the transformative power of yoga. The meeting drew widespread attention online, with fans expressing surprise at the unique exchange. To mark the occasion, Diljit also gifted PM Modi a poster from his ‘Dil-Luminati’ India tour.
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