Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh became proud parents to a baby girl in September last year. They called their angel Dua, meaning prayer. Earlier this morning, Deepika shared a post on how nothing can top giving birth to her baby girl in 2024. She shared a post that said, “Mums who gave birth in 2024 Remember this… When you see everyone’s highlight reel at the end of the year, remember your body GREW and BIRTHED a whole human this year! NOTHING tops that.”
Sharing the post, the new mum wrote, “Amen” to the post. Take a look here…
Earlier, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh were spotted at the airport as they returned from their vacation. The new mommy was glowing and how as she was seen in a striped oversized shirt with denim. Meanwhile, Ranveer was seen in his long hair and beard look which he’s sporting for his next film ‘Dhurandhar’.
The couple was all smiled as they posed for the paps. Earlier, DP and Ranveer had especially invited the paparazzi to meet them and their daughter Dua Padukone Singh. The couple then requested the paps to give them privacy when it comes to their daughter and not take her photos. Thus, the paps completely respect that now.
Thus, only Ranveer and DP pose for their paps, and they do not capture their daughter.
On work front, Deepika has been on a maternity break and completely enjoying this phase. She was seen in ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ and ‘Singham Again’ in 2024. It is being reported that she will end her break and get back to work with the sequel to ‘Kalki 2898 AD’.
Meanwhile, Ranveer is currently shooting for Aditya Dhar’s ‘Dhurandhar’ which sees him. It’s touted to be espionage thriller. It stars Sanjay Dutt, R Madhavan, Akshaye Khanna, and Arjun Rampal apart from Ranveer.
Ranveer had announced the film and the cast, and expressed, “This one is for my fans, who have been so patient with me, and been clamouring for a turn like this. I love you all, and I promise you, this time, a cinematic experience like never before. With your blessings, we embark on this great, big motion picture adventure with spirited energy and pure intent. This time, it’s personal.”
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