Ram Kapoor recently left everyone shocked by showcasing his fit new look. His transformation has since become a source of inspiration for those on their own fitness journeys. However, shortly after his reveal, some began to speculate, accusing him of using weight loss supplements or resorting to surgery to shed the pounds.
In a podcast Let’s Talk With DevnaG, Ram Kapoor was asked about the secret behind his incredible weight loss transformation. He revealed that the idea of losing weight first crossed his mind about a year and a half ago. Ram successfully shed 55 kg, but after six months into his journey, he had a fall and sprained his shoulder. This injury led to surgery and eight months of physiotherapy, during which he took a break from focusing on his weight loss goals while concentrating on his recovery.
Ram shared, “I started about a year and a half back and have managed to lose 55 kgs till now. Initially six months I was doing very well, but then I had a very bad fall, and my shoulder got screwed. I had to undergo surgery, followed by 8 months of physiotherapy. So, everything on the weight loss front stopped, it was those six months and another six months after that helped me transform.”
Ram also addressed the rumors surrounding his weight loss, specifically the claims that he used Ozempic or underwent bariatric surgery. He mentioned that there’s nothing wrong with people choosing these methods, as those who pursue them are simply seeking to improve themselves. Ram says, “I never took Ozempic or any other drug for weight loss, neither did I do bariatric surgery, but does any of that matter? However, it is not wrong to do any of that because people do so to become a better version of themselves.”
Ram also emphasized that he had not opted for surgery or used any supplements. He shared that while he had successfully lost a significant amount of weight five years ago, he later gained it back. It was at that point he recognized that he hadn’t approached the process correctly. From then on, Ram began researching and educating himself on the proper way to achieve lasting weight loss. He revealed, “”People said that I did bariatric surgery, but then why would I hide it? What I did was, for 5 years before I achieved this, I went on a massive weight loss journey and shed 30 kgs, then I put it back on again. This helped me learn what I should not do, then I would stay up all night and read books by experts, and watch podcasts and I figured that there are two kinds of people in this world, one who cares about their fitness and health, and people who don’t.”
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