At one point in Shah Rukh Khan’s career, Abhijeet Bhattacharya had almost become SRK’s voice. The collaboration of Abhijeet and SRK has been memorable and fans can never get over those songs. However, the singer and actor have not been on good terms for many years now. They’ve had a public fallout and Bhattacharya has often said that he hasn’t got enough credit for all those songs of SRK. Now in a recent interview, he has reacted to the possibility of reconciliation with him.
Reacting to it, he said, “We are made for each other, like husband and wife.” He added that SRK and him are ideal for each other and further spoke about their chemistry and successful collaboration. He said that their reconciliation is more important for the sake of music. Fans also are waiting for them to collaborate again.
Abhijeet also said that Shah Rukh hasn’t had any song which is remembered the way earlier of his songs which were sung by him, Udit Narayan and Kumar Sanu are remembered. He questioned, “Do you remember any of his recent songs? After me, Udit (Narayan) and Kumar Shanu sang for him, but the songs were not at par with Kuch Kuch Hota Hai or Darr.”
Talking further about their bond, the singer revealed that they never really shared a close bonding. Their equation was always formal as and when they met at song launches and events of their movies, as he doesn’t attend much Bollywood parties. However, Abhijeet still expressed that SRK should have taken initiative to resolve the matter between them. Not that he’s expecting any apology, but they should re-unite to make some good music.