Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli’s wedding video from their 2017 ceremony was celebrated by their fans for its simple and elegant appeal. Anushka’s pastel-hued lehenga became an instant favourite, and the soulful track ‘Peer Vi Tu,’ sung by Harshdeep Kaur, won hearts. Harshdeep recently shared her experience of working on the song with Vishal Punjabi.
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In an interview with The Music Podcast, Harshdeep revealed the essence of her brief for the song, which beautifully captured the deep emotional bond between the couple. The wedding song ‘Peer Vi Tu’ was released on the wedding anniversary of Virat and Anushka. “I got the brief that it is a love song and that the song’s lyrics represent what Virat and Anushka feel for each other — that they see god in each other. Vishal Punjabi was directing it, and he said, ‘Bus yahi feeling chahiye (I want this feeling). Just feel these words and sing,’” she explained.
Harshdeep also shared an intriguing coincidence. On the very same day she recorded ‘Peer Vi Tu,’ she also worked on another iconic song, ‘Dilbaro,’ from the film ‘Raazi’, which became a fan favourite.
The playback singer has built an impressive career with hit songs such as ‘Zaalima’ from Raees, ‘Dilbaro’ from Raazi, and ‘Ik Onkar’ from Rang De Basanti. Beyond her cinematic successes, she has become the go-to choice for Bollywood stars to perform or sing at their weddings. Notably, she was part of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s celebrated wedding in Lake Como.
Reflecting on this, Harshdeep fondly recalled her involvement in Ranveer and Deepika’s nuptials. She explained that Ranveer, a great admirer of her version of ‘Ik Onkar,’ personally reached out to her, inviting her to perform at the wedding.
Virat and Anushka, who tied the knot in 2017 after years of dating, became parents to their daughter, Vamika, in 2021, and recently welcomed their son, Akaay, in 2024.
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