The TV show Mera Balam Thanedaar, which captured the hearts of viewers and kept them entertained for nearly a year, is set to go off-air. The cast recently completed the final shoot and bid a heartfelt farewell to their audience. Fans were left heartbroken by the news of Shruti Choudhary and Shagun Pandey‘s show, Mera Balam Thanedar, going off-air.
Shruti, who portrayed Bulbul in the series, shared her heartfelt gratitude to the creators as she bid an emotional farewell to the show. Reflecting on her journey, the actress expressed how difficult it is for her to part ways with the character of Bulbul.
Since the announcement of Mera Balam Thanedaar going off-air, fans of the show have voiced their disappointment over the unexpected news. Shruti conveyed her heartfelt gratitude to the show’s creators and her fans. She wrote: “Bulbul 💔 I’m overwhelmed with emotions and my hands are shaking. Thank you Bulbul for being a part of me and travelling with me through the roller coaster of emotions.”
She further thanked her fans for always being there, “Thank you for always being there during good and bad days.Thank you for teaching me so many things it is really hard for me to say goodbye to you but I promise you will always be an internal part of me.”
The actress also expressed her thanks to Shashi Sumeet and the creators for providing her with such an unforgettable journey through Mera Balam Thanedar. He said, “Thank you @shashisumeetproductions for making me part of this beautiful journey and giving me BulBul. Thank you @prashrathi @jitender_1408 @somani_sheetal @tarlok_rooprai for being so nice to me,A good show cannot be created if the team doesn’t becomes a family,Thank you for being my family.”
Mera Balam Thanedaar’s lead actor, Shagun also shared a heartfelt video on his Instagram, expressing how Mera Balam Thanedaar has been incredibly special to him. He compared wrapping up the shoot as Veer to experiencing a breakup.