Actor Aarya DharmChand Kumar is thrilled to join the cast of the TV show Jhanak, marking a significant reunion with actress Hiba Nawab after a decade. Aarya, who was last seen as Gurmeet in Ikk Kudi Punjab Di, expressed his excitement about this new venture. He stated, “I’m happy to join this show. I’m playing the role of Hitesh, who is the elder brother of Vihaan. We represent a Gujarati family. Hitesh is connected to his culture and values. He is soft-hearted and well-built, with a strong personality. He loves his mother, is always respectful to her, and is concerned about her temper issues and strict rules.”
Jhanak, starring Hiba Nawab, introduces a major twist as Jhanak prepares to marry Vihaan (played by Kunal Verma), becoming his second wife. This marks a transformative journey for Jhanak, who leaves her life in Kolkata to start anew in Gujarat. The storyline takes a significant turn as her relationship with Aniruddha (Krushal Ahuja) comes to an end.
In the show, Aarya is paired with actress Soniyaa Kaur, and together they have a daughter, Ridhi, played by Jia Narigara. Muni Jha and Vaishali Thakkar portray his parents. The series also features prominent actors like Kajal Pisal, Poorva Gokhale, Sachin Verma, Ankita Chakraborty, and Sunny Sachdeva.
Aarya reminisced about working with Hiba Nawab in Tere Sheher Mein in 2015, where he played an antagonist opposite her protagonist role. “I’m excited to share screen space with Hiba, as we are good friends. Ten years ago, we worked together in Tere Sheher Mein, where she was the protagonist and I was playing an antagonist. Since then, we have always kept in touch over social media, and connecting back was a pleasure as it is helping us cheer old memories,” Aarya shared.
On the professional front, Aarya is known for his roles in shows like Armanon Ka Balidaan-Aarakshan, Love Dosti Dua, Chittod Ki Rani Padmini Ka Johur, Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya, Yeshu, and Jaat Ki Jugni.
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