The latest episode of Bigg Boss 18 added yet another drama to the day, tensions have reached a boiling point. A recent incident saw Kashish Kapoor and Avinash Mishra in a heated and violent altercation following a discussion about contestants fabricating romantic angles for the show. During this, Kashish labelled Avinash a “womanizer,” sparking outrage. Bigg Boss revealed the exact clip and date of their conversation, proving Kashish made the claim on December 12. To resolve the issue, Bigg Boss appointed Karan Veer Mehra to defend Avinash, while Kashish chose Rajat as her representative.
The confrontation deepened as Karan Veer Mehra strongly defended Avinash, proving the accusations baseless, while Avinash broke into tears as his character was questioned. Vivian Dsena also supported Avinash, and Eisha Singh publicly apologized to him for doubting him. However, when Sara supported Kashish, Karan exposed her role in escalating the issue after ten days. During an argument, Sara accused Karan of inappropriate conduct, which he refuted, countering her claims and calling out her behaviour. Karan firmly stated that if his sister acted similarly to Kashish, he would reprimand her. The explosive exchanges left the house divided, showcasing escalating drama.
In the promo, Vivian comes out in support of Avinash Mishra and reveals if the same statements that Kashish made for Avinash, would have been made for a girl, then the scenario would have been completely different. He also said, ‘In fact, watching the whole conversation, it seems like Avinash didn’t initiate anything but it was Kashish who initiated this angle.’ Furthermore, Shrutika Arjun also came out in support of Avinash and revealed, “Kashish ne mujhe bola tha pati patni aur woh wala angle, she was suggesting that angle.” Kashish gets furious at Shrutika and refuses calling it a terminology that she used.
Karan then asked Kashish, if pati patni aur woh was a terminology then angle is also a terminology. Karan and Vivian also confronted Sara for bringing up the topic just to create a false narrative and controversy inside the house by using ‘Women’s card’.